How to use your watch to tell the direction
How to use your watch to tell the direction
Going camping or travelling soon? Well, be sure to pack an essential item for your trip, no not your phone but a watch, an analogue watch to be precise. The beauty of analogue watches is that you don’t need to charge them as their complex mechanical clockwork in the watches predates electricity allowing it to tell you the time 24/7. They are varieties of analogue watches available then digital watches and let’s face it more stylish than your average digital watch. Aside from aesthetics, not many people know that analogue watches can be used as a substitute for a compass. Although it may not be a perfect substitute if you are lost in the woods at night, as sunlight is the key factor in making this tip to work so make sure that you have ample access to it!
Let’s say you are lost and you want to find north, place the watch at the palm of your hand and point the hour hand at the sun. Next draw an imaginary line that cuts the hour hand and the 12 marking on the watch. One of the hands will be pointing at North. If you are then trying to find South, do the exact same thing but point the 12 marking on the watch to the sun instead of the hour hand. Above all, remember to set your watch to the standard time in order for this handy tip to work!