Frequently Asked Questions about Luminox Light Technology (LLT)

Frequently Asked Questions about Luminox Light Technology (LLT)

What is Luminox Light Technology?

 A LLT (Luminox Light Technology) is a light source, able to glow for years without need of recharging. It consists of a glass tube of borosilicate glass, which is internally coated with a phosphor powder and filled with tritium gas. Phosphorus is known as a luminescent material which gets its glowing when exposed to UV-light. The same effect appears when phosphor powder and tritium gas are isolated in a glass tube.

Why is the light intensity of LLTs not always the same

The luminosity of LLT's is perceived differently by humans. The following factors do have an impact to the visibility. Firstly, Luminox utilizes for LLT’s the colors red, orange, yellow, green and blue.The colors green and orange are located in the middle of the light spectrum, which is visible to the human eye and easiest to be noticed. Secondly, In the water, colors lose their intensity very quickly. For example, in 5 meters depth the color red is no longer visible. It is therefore recommended to use the colors green or blue for diving watches. Blue is still visible at a depth of 60 meters.

The intensity is very subjectively perceived. Young eyes can see better and more intense than older ones. The daily condition also plays a role. In a dark building, the intensity of the LLT’s is perceived as much weaker than in the dark in free nature. The reason being the UV radiation which is always present to a certain extent outdoors, which intensifies the effect.
Finallly, An LLT loses intensity over the years. We guarantee the luminosity for 10 years, knowing that they can glow up to 25 years.

Are LLT's dangerous?

The processing of LLTs requires protective measures prescribed by the state. The reason being large quantities of LLT's are processed and in extreme cases (e.g. fire) the maximum permissible load could be exceeded (20 mSv).
If all the LLTs of a Luminox burst at the same time (this is a prerequisite) a radiation exposure of about 0.02 mSv would occur as if we were eating a banana daily. The population living in Switzerland annually records a natural radiation dose of about 5 mSv 2).

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